Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA).
With the Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA) from Microsoft®, Hosters and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) with hosted offerings can license Microsoft software on a monthly basis to provide services and hosted applications to their end customers. There are no upfront costs, no risks, and you pay for only what you use!
While other Microsoft Volume Licensing programs do not allow commercial hosting of Microsoft licensed products, the SPLA does. In fact, the SPLA was specifically designed based on direct feedback from Microsoft service provider partners to deliver competitive advantage.
Why Use SPLA?
SPLA is the only Microsoft Licensing program that provides use rights for hosting. Other programs like Enterprise Agreement (EA), Open, Select, FPP and OEM do not
Microsoft Licensing Use Rights on Volume License Agreements (EA, Select, Open) as well as OEM and FPP restricts
◦ Hosting (providing software services)
◦ Sharing of Hardware Resources (i.e. Server must be dedicated to customer)